Posts in Inspiration
Continuous Observation to Become Who You Are

Everyone is defined by the outside world, by their parents, education, family, community, politics, media, etc. We have been raised not to give a second thought (or even a first one!) to what we are being told. How much do these influence your day to day? How much have you done that is related to what you’ve been told rather than to who you truly are? Have you given it a thought? #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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About Change

Change is not an easy task. It involves you having to readapt to something you were used to. Change allows you to continue growing. You Socially-Conscious Leader know this well. Your changes occur from the inside-out, from living outside the box. From what comes when you get inspired, when you listen to those hints and you act upon them #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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Spiritual Beings Positively iMPACTING

True spirituality is to be awaken; We Socially-Conscious Change Makers have awakened to live our life through who we are - from the inside-out. Our Power of Being is fully potentiated; there is no way back anymore and we don’t want to go back either. Tapping into our Power of Being positively impacts, with whatever we do and no matter where we are #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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The Courageous Leader

Finding your Self is an adventure, a beautiful and marvellous road-map of existence. Many times considered by us, human-beings, as a flow of experiences that determine our superficial life, but it is more than that. Become the Socially-Conscious Leader you are, in integrity and respect to yourself and what you envision for your life and this world #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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Matías De Stefano - Remembering through his Power of Being

Matías De Stefano is a Rememberer, a Walker and an Educator. He connects to his Power of Being to remember about human history to weave its parts into the Oneness that we all are. Matías walks the world with humility through his worldwide talks and online sharing to educate us, human-beings, on Planetary Consciousness #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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